Thursday, 16 May 2013

Outdoor heel walk

I bought some new shoes and I wanted to try walking in them so i decided to have a fashion parade at the side of the road. First of all you can see me driving to the destination wearing the first pair of heels.

 Once there it was out of the car for a walk. As you can see I am wearing a pair of black ankle strap heels.

Then a change of clothes and now I am wearing a pair of black suede heels. Must remeber to take the label off the bottom!

No new heels for this one but a pair of trusty brown boots. What you don't see is the knickers coming off and going in the mud.

Same boots but different clothes. You can just see the red knickers in the mud from the last outfit.

Finally my favourite heels. At least 4" heels and very comfortable to walk in.

The problem was I wasn't satisfied and so I put the ankle strap heels back on and went into the field.

You must remember these are new heels and I wasn't planning on this so no water, towels or plastic sheeting. Having mud nearby was too much of a temptation.

As you can see the mud was deep and runny and I would love to have done more but it was difficult enough cleaning up as it was.

Walking back to the car a passing motorist got a good look and I was glad I was sensibly dressed. I do wonder what he thought of a woman walking across a muddy field.

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