Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Last Saturday I got the chance to interact on my webcam for the first time in ages. Needless to say it involved mess and destruction.
This is me starting off the session in a pure wool dress, heels and undies.

Then the person controlling me got me to change the wool dress for a blouse and skirt of my wifes and soak them in water. I wish I had warmed it up!

Then it was time for a change and I thought you might like to see what was underneath

Next it was a change into a blouse and skirt which we had agreed could be destroyed

However the first thing he made me do was cut the heel and the toe of one of those lovely shoes but not before shredding my stockings which also wasn't planned

Next came the planned bit where the blouse and skirt got destroyed. He made me rip both items into little strips before dragging them off my body.

The next unexpected thing was the necklace getting pulled off and sending beads and crystals everywhere.

Then I finished ripping off the clothes only to be told to rip my bra and knickers

Then a final change into a nice wool jumper, denim skirt, silver heels, tights and undies

Then, as agreed, orange paint was used to coat everything incuding inside the shoes

Then the session ended which surprised me as I half expected the grey wool dress, my wife's clothes and the rest of the underwear to be destroyed but thankfully not.

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